DEMO METAL Virtual , 24-28 mai 2021
Bazată pe interesul manifestat de un public numeros pentru o primă ediție și pe experiența construită în 2020, DEMO METAL Virtual 2021, care va avea loc între 24-28 mai, va stimula eficiența comunicării pentru dezvoltarea afacerilor prin intermediul unei experiențe digitale complete și simplificate. Pentru a îndemna la o comunicare cât mai eficientă, Expoziția va
Citeste mai multRegister to Romanian-Finnish Automotive Manufacturing Forum – 19th of May 2021
Welcome to the Romanian-Finnish Automotive Manufacturing Forum! 19/05, 09:30-12:30, Online Embassy of Finland in Romania, Business Finland and the Association of Automobile Manufacturers in Romania ACAROM are pleased to invite you to participate in the Romanian-Finnish Automotive Manufacturing Forum – webinar focused on knowledge and experience sharing in the field of smart and sustainable manufacturing.
Citeste mai multAUTOMOTIVE FORUM & AWARDS FOR EXCELLENCE GALA celebrates 2020’s resilience and business power ONLINE on November 24 in Bucharest
AUTOMOTIVE TODAY, the integrated media platform powered by THE DIPLOMAT – BUCHAREST and dedicated exclusively to the automotive industry in Romania, organizes the third edition of the annual AUTOMOTIVE FORUM AND AWARDS FOR EXCELLENCE GALA, within an ONLINE EVENT on November 24h, between 15:30-18:30. The online registration link: The Event benefits from the
Citeste mai multIndustry Online Meetings, Buyers – Suppliers, November 24 to 26
We cordially invite you to participate in Industry Online Meetings 2020, which will be held from November 24 to 26. For participation please register at If you are already registered, you can access your account at After registration, we recommend you to use the Invite to Event online application, available in your account to invite industrial suppliers and buyers to the
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